

In the December of 2022, more than 80% of the new cars purchased in Norway were electric vehicles. As the world embraces the transition or shifts towards sustainable transportation, Norway stands as a shining example of success in the electric vehicle charging market. With its outstanding EV adoption rates, excellent charging infrastructure and forward-thinking policies, Norway’s experience provides valuable insights for other countries striving to accelerate their own electric mobility revolution.

Government support and incentives

One of the main factors contributing to Norway’s success in the EV market is the unwavering support and the incentives provided by the government. The Norwegian government has offered tax exemptions for EVs which has made them more affordable compared to conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. EV buyers are also exempt from import taxes, VAT and annual ownership taxes, This is a significant cost advantage which seems to have driven EV sales very high. 

Additionally, the government has offered numerous other incentives such as toll discounts, access to bus lanes, Free or discounted parking and research and development funding.


Norway’s rapid adoption of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) has been instrumental in supporting the impressive growth of the country in EV sales and driving the transition to sustainable transportation. When we take a closer look at this market, it can be noticed that it has benefited from taking early, decisive action to create a scalable strategy.

Norway’s rapid EVCI adoption has demonstrated the effectiveness of a holistic approach, combining government support, comprehensive infrastructure development, public-private partnerships, and incentives. The country’s success serves as a model for other nations looking to accelerate their own EVCI adoption, paving the way for a sustainable future of electric mobility.

Intensified competition due to high customer expectations

Competition in Norway’s charging infrastructure sector has intensified over time as customer expectations for convenient, reliable, and user-friendly charging solutions continue to evolve. With a good number of EVs on the road, customers today demand an enhanced charging experience that includes easy access, user-friendly interfaces and fast and reliable charging capabilities. 

Collaborations and partnerships among charging infrastructure providers are further shaping the competitive landscape, enabling companies to offer comprehensive solutions and remain at the forefront of the market.

In this evolving landscape, customers benefit from an expanding network, improved charging experiences, and innovative services, while companies continue to innovate, collaborate, and invest in cutting-edge technologies to meet customer demands.

Grid Management and Integration with Renewable Energy

With the increasing number of EVs, Grid management becomes highly crucial. Norway has addressed this issue by implementing smart grid solutions to balance the load and optimize charging processes. Furthermore, Norway’s EV charging infrastructure is closely linked to its abundant renewable energy resources, primarily hydropower. By utilizing clean energy for EV charging Norway’s EVs contribute significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving sustainable transportation. 

Lessons for Global EV Charging Markets

  1. Strong government support and incentives are crucial for driving EV adoption and creating a robust charging market.
  1. A Fragmented and widespread Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) is vital to ensure convenience and facilitate mass adoption. 
  1. Collaboration between stakeholders, including government, industry and utilities is vital for seamless integration and standardized charging experiences. 
  1. Grid management solutions and the integration of renewable energy sources are paramount to addressing increased electricity demand and fostering sustainability. 

In conclusion,  Norway’s experience with EV charging market is a global model for success. Through proactive government support, comprehensive charging infrastructure, stakeholder collaboration and sustainable energy integration, Norway has achieved exceptional EV adoption rates and has overcome challenges associated with scaling the EVCI. Other countries can draw valuable lessons from Norway’s approach.


  1. https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/automotive-and-assembly/our-insights/what-norways-experience-reveals-about-the-ev-charging-market#:~:text=Many%20of%20Norway%27s%20public%20EV,system%20of%20EV%20charging%20stations.
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